Tiny Mix Tapes

Jesus Tour. Shit. No. Wait. Jesus Tour. NO! God. I Mean, Jesus. SHIT! JESU TOUR!!!!!!!!


While paging through Jesu's press releases and writing this story, I'm noticing a theme. Fronted by Justin K. Broadrick, founder of GODflesh? "Conquering" the year 2007? My fingers inexplicably typing that stray "s" as I try in vain to write a TMT headline? The bright light filling my bedroom as I type? Thank god (Ha! No capital "g" for you!) New York City is so polluted, or I would surely be swept out the window by the force that is "Jesu."

Fresh off releasing the ultra-limited Pale Sketches (a compilation of unreleased material) earlier this month on Avalanche Recordings, the group releases new music today with the Lifeline EP (Hydra Head/Daymare). With loads of new tunes in queue, take to heart my warning when I tell you it is TOTALLY conceivable to be overtaken by the crushing beauty (she's getting all sincere-like, folks) that is Jesu on tour.

This would be longer, but quite frankly, my attention span barely made it through this list of dates. Holy Jesu, indeed:

Lifeline EP tracklist:

1. Lifeline
2. You Wear Their Masks
3. Storm Comin' On
4. End of the Road