Tiny Mix Tapes

Oh My Oh My Oh Mucus, Sex Pistols Never Say Die (Except That One Guy… Ahem…)


As I sit here, with undoubtedly the most viscous and opaque mucus on the terra firma of this green and slowly warming planet (if we are to believe some) filling the necessary pathways to my body, I wonder: is there a band that adequately represents my current dilemma?

I search for the obvious, The Mucus, to no success. The Runny Noses, nothing. The Phlegm-induced Fits Of Coughing And Hacking At Four In The Morning, not a one. And here’s me thinking that if I Google these hypothetical names with the word ‘band’ afterward, I’ll actually find a band to fit the name -- next time. (Edit: here’s Snot and Phelgm...enjoy...)

For now, The Sex Pistols will have to do. And they will do by celebrating (such a PR word) the 30th anniversary of Never Mind the Bollocks by headlining Saturday night at the Isle of Wight Festival this June. Stick around and you might even see The Police close the next night.
06.14.08 - Isle of Wight, UK – Isle of Wight Festival