Tiny Mix Tapes

Jeffrey Lewis Tours, There’s Not Much More My Computer Will Let Me Write Without Resorting to Subter



In cse you hven’t noticed, I hven’t been too ctive on TMT recently. Few weeks go I spilled bunch of wter on my keybord nd disbled few of the keys, not the lest of which re, uh, the letters t the beginning nd end of the lphbet. I keep sying I’m going to replce it, but I m both ly nd broke. I feel bd for not writing, though, so I will ttempt to write this Jeffrey Lewis story without using the letters I’m missing:

Jeffrey Lewis is going on tour. He is witty in lots of his songs. His lyrics often seem funny or cute on first listen, but I think there is true soul there, once you listen more deeply. If I were you, I would go see him perform. By doing so with the likes of Times New Viking, he is sure to grow in profile. Next time he comes to your town, you might not get to see him like this.

I thought this would be less difficult. Going for it showed me my own terrible limits in bright, unforgiving light. You’re welcome, Mr. Lewis:

* Times New Viking & Super Furry Animals

& The Mountain Goats