Tiny Mix Tapes

Spoon To Tour, But More Importantly: If They Cover The Knife, Will It Be On the Forkcast?


Spoon, defined by Wikipedia as “Indie Rock,” will soon be touring in support of their new EP, Don’t You Evah. They have decided to tour almost exclusively in cities that already have an abundance of good shows on any given night, which is really cool. The lone exception is some place called “Troutdale,” a cozy little Oregon town which has its own blog.

The band released Don’t You Evah last month on Merge. It's 87.5% “Don’t You Evah” or a variant thereof, and features some oddly hot cover art. You can pick up a copy at any of the following dates, your local record store, or, if you really hate the band and want personal responsibility for their starvation, you can download it.

Dates dates dates dates dates:

* Beck and MGMT