Tiny Mix Tapes

A TMT EUREKA! DREAM: Xiu Xiu Announce Tour with Evangelista and Prurient


- Jamie Stewart on Evangelista: “When I was beginning to look outside of the vile suburbs of the San Fernando Valley, driving the 45 minutes to anything that the LA Weekly said I should see, I began to hear a lot about Carla Bozulich -- the voice, the heaviest leather strap that she was and is and will be, the myth of endless dedication and spear tipped creativity. Fifteen years past and I would see her here and there, separated by fewer and fewer degrees until I was at last given the first Evangelista record. The pretext was, ‘You will love this.’ The fact upon listening was, ‘This is what I have been looking for!’ She became an idol to me and to play a tour with her, to hear the songs of the following record, Hello, Voyager (TMT Review), exploded as loud as possible can only be matched by having been awarded the key to the secret tunnels beneath Mt. Fuji by the Japanese consulate.”

- Jamie Stewart on Prurient: “Dominick of Prurient (TMT Review) upon planning this tour told me he had to bring his own sound person – ‘I cannot deal with any inhouse sound wuss ever again.’ It has been reported to me that people have thrown up at his shows for the intensity and evil/beautifully minded focus of sound and light. How or why have we waited to work together? Now I cannot wait to pay for it. I really want to get hurt by the every night of this music. I really want to learn how to take things so much further. For a breath, noise was oddly fashionable. Having transcended and pummeled through that silliness, Prurient has held onto and swallowed its art.”

- Jamie Stewart on Rob Fisk of Common Eider, King Eider: “By the time I had met Rob Fisk he had already made and moved on from the Deerhoof record Holdypaws. This record lead to the inception of Xiu Xiu. Had I never heard it I never would have considered trying to make music as an aggressive and dear and violent and beautiful life's pursuit. He has gone on to make Tiny Bird Mouths, Badgerlore, 7 Year Rabbit Cycle and now the most touching, pointed and austere of all his incredible sound, Common Eider, King Eider. Rob is my favorite guitar player, an astoundingly dark and innovative melodist, and infused this conviction to build a cabin in Alaska and ride a moose to an early grave. Mr. Be Crushing, Mr. Be Patient are his nommes de musique.”

Jamie Stewart/Xiu Xiu on tour:

$ Prurient

# Evangelista

* Common Eider, King Eider

[Photo: David Horvitz]