Tiny Mix Tapes

Silver Jews Press Blitz; Plus Lookout Mountain, Lookout Sea Tourdates


We at TMT realize that you may not have had time to catch up on the flurry of Dave Berman/Silver Jews interviews that have surged online in the wake of the band’s latest release, Lookout Mountain, Lookout Sea (TMT Review). It’s all a bit overwhelming – dangling the formerly reclusive songwriter before ravenous music journalists is a lot like dangling a fifth of Wild Turkey, a syringe of smack, and a Ziploc of assorted prescription drugs in front of a recovered addict. Don’t worry; none of the interviewers bring that analogy up. At least I don’t this so.

Most of them go pretty easy on the ol’ softie about the new album too.

Alphabetized Interview Survey

- Aquarium Drunkard
- The AV Club
- Beat Route
- Chimpomatic
- Coke Machine Glow
- Ear Farm
- Junk Media
- Largehearted Boy (Cassie Berman interview)
- New York Magazine
- Paste Magazine
- Pitchfork Media
- Pop Matters
- Prefix Mag
- Said the Gramophone
- Tiny Mix Tapes
- The Village Voice (plus a feature)
- The Washington Post (in audio form)

And just in case anything else pops up, here’s a Silver Jews Interview Google News Feed.

A detailed analysis to follow the next time Drag City announces something Silver Jews-newsworthy... Extended tourdates anyone?


# Monotonix