Man, if Adam Duritz thought that he had a long December that one year, he ain’t seen nothing yet. Because when you’ve got Craig Finn and the bear-battered boys from The Hold Steady as your backstage roommates and bus buddies the week before Christmas, I’m guessing there’s not going to be much in the way of sleeping.
As previously reported (TMT News), The Hold Steady will woozily embark upon one hell of a fall tour of the U.S. and Europe following the success of their latest barroom-evangelical smash, Stay Positive (TMT Review). But after drinking Europe dry for a few months, America’s new favorite band will pair up with America’s old favorite band, Counting Crows, for a few shiny, new dates, which should make both Duritz’ lyrics and Finn’s voice sound pretty weak when compared side by side. So if they do this right, audience members won’t really be a fan of either band by the time they leave the theater. Merry Christmas, rock fans.
Nerd Glasses and Dreadlocks Tour ’08:
* Counting Crows