Tiny Mix Tapes

Jeff Mangum Might Make Appearances on the E6 Holiday Surprise Tour, As If It Weren’t Already Full of


This is your lucky day. Maybe. Speaking to Billboard, William Cullen Hart (Circulatory System, Olivia Tremor Control) brought up the possibility of Jeff Mangum, the ever reclusive, deified artist, participating in the upcoming Elephant 6 Holiday Surprise tour (TMT News). "Jeff told me he wants to make it to the Chicago show and maybe the Kentucky show, so we'll see," says Cullen Hart. "I know he hasn't played out much in the past few years, but he seemed very excited about this tour when I talked to him."

The tour, headed by Music Tapes frontman Julian Koster, made its debut October 7 in Athens, GA. The show ended up being three-and-a-half hours long, so the artists -- ranging from Koster, Cullen Hart, and Laura Carter (Elf Power) to Eric Harris (OTC), Nesey Gallons, Scott Spillane (NMH, The Gerbils), and many more -- are planning to "trim it down a little bit," says Cullen Hart. And, as we've reported earlier, the tour also includes screenings of the much-anticipated short film Major Organ & The Adding Machine, tentatively set for DVD release via Orange Twin next year.

In related news, Circulatory System have reportedly three albums' worth of material and are currently looking for a label, while Koster is loosely planning yet another concept tour, currently being touted as "The Music Tapes Caroling Tour." Can't. Fucking. Wait. In the meantime, buy Music Tapes for Clouds and Tornadoes (TMT Review), out now on Merge.