Deerhunter have had a hell of a year: blog drama, album leakin', shit-talkin', secret record schemin', playa hatin', dealin' with the obligatory clause that states every Goddamn article about Deerhunter has to mention something about Bradford Cox's physical appearance, et al. Nonetheless, the band has emerged victorious with the mighty Microcastle / Weird Era Cont. (TMT Review), poised to be at the top of a lot of year-end lists this year (including my own).
Just wrapping up a recent fall tour for the yanks, Deerhunter will
spend Q1 of next year studying abroad. They will also release a
single for "Never Stops," certainly the poppiest of Microcastle, in
March. Otherwise, not a whole lot going on, so just keep looking at the amazing photo above before you go.
# Times New Viking, Nite Jewel
% Leah Hutchison