Tiny Mix Tapes

Mogwai Schedule Spring Tour, Make Up For Lost Time


Hey, remember last year when Mogwai canceled all those North American tourdates? Well, they’ve finally decided to live up to their New Year’s resolution to not cancel anymore shows by booking an entire U.S. tour this spring. Now, if only Mogwai could give me back the 63 minutes I spent listening to their most recent album, The Hawk Is Howling (TMT Review), last year, then all would be forgiven. (JK.)

Making up for lost time:
04.20.09 - Houst​on,​ TX - Numbe​rs
04.​21.09 - New Orlea​ns,​ LA - Repub​lic
04.​22.09 - Birmi​ngham​,​ AL - Workp​lay Theat​re
04.​23.09 - Ashev​ille,​ NC - Orang​e Peel
04.​24.09 - Carrb​oro,​ NC - Cats Cradl​e
04.​25.09 - Phila​delph​ia,​ PA - Troca​dero
04.​27.09 - Brook​lyn,​ NY - Music​ Hall Of Willi​amsbu​rg
04.​28.09 - Brook​lyn,​ NY - Music​ Hall Of Willi​amsbu​rg
04.​29.09 - Brook​lyn,​ NY - Music​ Hall Of Willi​amsbu​rg
05.​01.09 - Bosto​n,​ MA - Wilbu​r Theat​re
05.​02.09 - North​ampto​n,​ MA - Pearl​ Stree​t
05.​03.09 - Montr​eal,​ QUE - Metro​polis​
05.​04.09 - Toron​to,​ ON - Phoen​ix
05.​05.09 - Buffa​lo,​ NY - Tralf​ Music​ Hall
05.​06.09 - Ponti​ac,​ MI - Crofo​ot Ballr​oom
05.​08.09 - Chica​go,​ IL - Congr​ess Theat​re
05.​09.09 - Milwa​ukee,​ WI - Turne​r Hall
05.​10.09 - Minne​apoli​s,​ MN - First​ Avenu​e
05.​11.09 - Omaha​,​ NE - The Slowd​own
05.​12.09 - Denve​r,​ CO - Blueb​ird Theat​re
05.​13.09 - Salt Lake City,​ UT - In The Venue​
05.​15.09 - San Diego​,​ CA - Belly​ Up Taver​n
05.​16.09 - Los Angel​es,​ CA - Orphe​um Theat​re