Tiny Mix Tapes

When TV On The Radio Release an EP, It Makes Every Male – Well, It Makes At Least One Male – Quest


Man, it's tough to muster up the energy just to walk around downtown without begging every passerby to just put you out of your misery and pummel your brains in with their change-cup-on-a-pole or hook-for-a-hand (man, I love my neighborhood). It is bad enough to be widely known as the male news writer with the least impressive lower body appendage (voted at the annual Tiny Mix Tapes “Cockrings for Clodhoppers” benefit gala), but I seem to be drawing stories with the smallest, most ineffectual tracklistings lately too! Look at this shitty pittance:

1. Blues From Down Here
2. Wolf Like Me
3. Province
4. Wash the Day Away

Four tracks. Sure, all four are live recordings, were recorded at an Amoeba Music in-store last September, and as you quickly recognized, are stand-out songs that originally appeared on a stand-out album called Return To Cookie Mountain by one of Earth's most revered pop bands, TV on the Radio. That is perfectly peachy keen, but it's not making me feel any more potent or important. Making sure you get a copy of this curio will most assuredly make you feel better about everything both south and north of the equator, but me, I'm already a lost cause.

Not funnily enough, the EP is called TV on the Radio Live at Amoeba Music, and it is a limited-edition release that will be available March 27 to download from Amoeba Music or to purchase in the flesh at one of its three legendary California store locations (Sunset Blvd. in Los Angeles, Haight St. in San Francisco, and Telegraph Ave. in Berkley). Pretty self-explanatory and pretty cool, huh? I think so, too. So much so that I'm contemplating opening a store just so I can bring bands in to play and then release live EPs of my own. Small is in, so who's in? I promise to pull my weight, as light as it may be.