Tiny Mix Tapes

Beastie Boys Radio Is Back! First Show Airs… A Few Days Ago. Sorry. Well They’re Putting Out a New


I really meant to tell you about the radio show. I was thinking about it in the shower, and I wanted to write it down. But then I started thinking about that new Beastie Boys DVD, then about the Daft Punk movie, then about how I want to buy a vocoder, and then about how ugly Auto-Tune sounds. By the time I got out of the shower, Beastie Boys Radio had completely slipped my mind. Then I slipped on the bathmat and hurt my groin.

Well, I’m sorry you missed it, because it was really good. The theme for the show was “dance songs,” primarily featuring songs with titles like “Do The Dog” (The Specials version) or “Do The Kick Back” (by JJ Williams). But they also played M.I.A.’s “Bird Flu,” a couple of Rufus Thomas tracks, and a cover of “Monster Mash” by The Misfits. Pretty much everything they played was great, but the best part were the interludes with the boys themselves. Those dudes are so funny, could listen to a two-hour show of them talking. Oh yeah, the show was two hours long.

If it makes you feel any better, I tried to record it. But I couldn’t get the software to work, so I had to install a plug-in. But the plug-in was too new, so I had to upgrade the software. But my stolen serial number didn’t work with the new version of the software. Then I slipped on my laptop and hurt my groin.

The good news is you can catch them next week, and indefinitely after that. The show airs Tuesdays from 4-6 PM EST on littleradio.com. Oh, you’ll probably still be at work at four. I guess I could try to record it for you, since I’ll be home on disability leave for my multiple groin injuries anyway.

Oh shit! I almost forgot! One of the Beastie Boys let slip that they’ll be heading back to the studio soon! Already! You should have been listening! Right, sorry.

Oh hey, it looks like some guy recorded the show and you can download it for free. Cool.