Tiny Mix Tapes

So, The Notwist’s The Devil, You + Me Walks Into A Record Store This June…


Well, this news seemed to have come out of nowhere. Germanic trio The Notwist have just announce that they have a new album coming out in June. The 11- track LP, The Devil, You + Me, will be released by Domino, the label that put out the band's last effort, 2002's Neon Golden (TMT Review). It should also be noted that the 20+ members of the jazz-art weirdo known as Andromeda Mega Express Orchestra will be in the house, er, on the album.

Unless you are incredibly aware of the doings and happenings of The Notwisters, I'm sure you're thinking, "What the hell took so long? I am the consumer, and you are the musician, so make some damn music already, so I can consume it and, if I have time, talk a bunch of shit about it in a few blog comment boxes." (Btw, you're a dick.) But do the names 13 & God, Lali Puna, Ms. John Soda, Console, and Tied And Tickled Trio ring a bell? These are all side projects by the various members of the band, which have occupied their time since promoting NG. In other words, they have been busy, so shut up and circle the whole month of June in red marker on your calendar. Then, in a month or so, when the record has a specific release date, make a bunch of arrows from the circle inward toward the exact day of the album's release. Then sit and wait.

The Devil, You + Me tracklist: