Tiny Mix Tapes

Girl Talk to Release Feed The Animals Thursday, But Who Cares When TMT Is Hiring Newswriters!


Check it out! MTV has exclusive info (with great use of double-dashes) about the new Girl Talk album, Feed The Animals: "As luck would have it, an MTV News crew was actually with Gillis at his Pittsburgh home late Monday when he received the mastered version of [Feed The] Animals -- according to our producer, not only does the album sound great (snippets of Kanye, Shawty Lo, Madonna and Heart -- to name just a few -- are sprinkled throughout), but Gillis seemed so happy with it that he asked us to decide when it should be released to the 'Net -- our producer picked Thursday, and that's the day you'll be able to hear it."

Now, check out this amazing question and answer from Pitchfork and Gregg Gillis himself:

Pitchfork: Have you settled on a date for when it's going live?

GG: Pretty much as soon as possible. I finished it Tuesday night (June 10), and the guy who has mastered all my albums is starting the mastering process today. He promised me he'd be done by Monday, so that would give me maybe a couple days to listen to it, but I imagine it will be on the internet by Wednesday or Thursday [June 18 or 19].


I'd like to thank MTV and Pitchfork for making this story possible. Also thanks to Mr P, who continues to be a source of inspiration for these stories (he assigned this one to me). If you think you can write a better story than this, maybe you should apply to write news for TMT. (But, you know, I've been around here for a long time, and there's a reason why, so don't expect to be immediately writing at my caliber. But hey, give it your best shot.) Finally, I'd like to thank TV sitcom, Everybody Loves Raymond. I've jerked off to those sexual episodes many times, so thanks!