Did you know that Vetiver’s new full-length album, Tight Knit, is both their first Sub Pop release and also Sub Pop’s first release of 2009? Because of this fact, I decided to do a little research and compile a brief list of other Sub Pop first releases for years gone past:
1989: Blood Circus – Primal Rock Therapy
1990: Tad – Loser/Cooking With Gas
1993: Dwarves – Underworld/Lies 7”
1994: Pigeonhed – S/T
1997: Damien Jurado – Water Ave. S
1998: Godheadsilo – Share The Fantasy
2001: Arlo – Up High In The Night
2003: Holopow – S/T
2005: Low – The Great Destroyer
2006: The Elected – Sun, Sun, Sun
2007: The Shins – Wincing The Night Away
2008: The Helio Sequence – Keep Your Eyes Ahead
If there’s one conclusion that can be drawn from these results, it’s that Sub Pop kinda sucked during the ’90s. Don’t take my word for it though -- just ask the members of Blood Circus, whose album Primal Rock Therapy was apparently one of the poorest selling Sub Pop albums ever.
Getting back on topic, Tight Knit is due February 17 and features such special guests as Eric Johnson (Fruit Bats, The Shins), Jonathan Wilson, “Farmer” Dave Sher, and Adam Peters.