Tiny Mix Tapes

The Field to Release Follow-up to 2007’s From Here We Go Sublime, Which is Apparently Not


Man, if I was releasing a record, I would NOT forecast my subsequent album’s transcendent greatness in its fucking title. The Field’s Axel Willner may have learned a thing or two about that himself, as his follow-up to 2007’s hazy slow-burn smash, From Here We Go Sublime, bears the considerably more cautiously-ubiquitous title of Yesterday and Today.
But just to up the ante this time around, Willner's label, Kompakt, has teamed-up with Tom Waits Records... I mean, ANTI-, to release the anticipated follow-up, which is gonna drop May 19. Willner has also teamed up with Clash frontman Joe Strummer... I mean, Battles drummer John Stanier for the title track, and Willner's best press guys swear that he expands his palette, “continuing the oblique sampling strategy of From Here We Go Sublime while building up the rhythmic architecture.” So yeah, there’s that “ubiquity” theme again. Maybe this is a concept record?

Of course, since igniting loft party musical conversations around the world with Sublime, we all know that Willner has been much in demand as a remixer, with tracks from local British singer Thom Yorke to hot U.S. jazz combo Battles raising his profile significantly, so hopefully this album really does stack up, even if the title doesn’t. Otherwise that Sublime-covers route might not be a bad idea.

A ubiquitous “spring/summer North American tour” is also in the works, so sit tight on that. Meanwhile, here’s that good-old ubiquitous tracklist:

1. I Have The Moon, You Have The Internet
2. Everybody's Got To Learn Sometime
3. Leave It
4. Yesterday & Today (feat. John Stanier)
5. The More That I Do
6. Sequenced