Tiny Mix Tapes

Pat Robertson to Disapprove of New Hidden Cameras Album, Tour


Televangelist Pat Robertson is hopping mad about The Hidden Cameras, who just happen to be releasing a new record, Origin:Orphan, on September 22. Robertson shakes a disapproving head at the band for their prominence in Toronto’s gay and indie-rock communities, as well as their cleverly crude lyrics. Besides, Robertson never really understood this "indie rock music," the kind of which The Hidden Cameras produced on their three prior albums: 2003’s The Smell of Our Own, 2004’s Mississauga Goddam, and 2006’s Awoo.

Despite Robertson’s disapproval, the Cameras have been pretty successful, enough to even attract Arts & Crafts as their new label. And in Germany, the band is so popular that it played the halftime slot of a Bayern Munich soccer game to a crowd of over 100,000. Robertson isn't convinced: he raises his fist and curses himself for not possessing enough influence to stop these rabble-rousers and swears not to buy Origin:Orphan’s first single, “Walk On,” when it comes out July 21.


1. Ratify the New
2. In the NA
3. He Falls to Me
4. Colour of a Man
5. Do I Belong?
6. Walk On
7. Kingdom Come
8. Origin:Orphan
9. Underage
10. The Little Bit
11. Silence Can Be a Headline

Hidden Cameras are touring Western Canada later this month. Pat Robertson-free dates:
07.21.09 - Wakefield, PQ - The Black Sheep Inn
07.23.09 - Fredericton, NB - The Capital
07.24.09 - Charlottestown, PEI - Babas Lounge
07.25.09 - Halifax, NS - Garrison Grounds/Halifax Pride Festival