Tiny Mix Tapes

Holy Hip-Hop: KRS-One’s Philosophical Take on the “Kulture” Now Available in Book Form


Lawrence K. Parker, more readily known as KRS-One, finally saw the release of his book The Gospel of Hip Hop: First
this week. Originally slated for release
earlier this year, First Instrument is the first release from the
publishing firm I Am Hip Hop, an imprint of powerHouse Books. The Gospel of Hip Hop, set up in the format of a holy book, is described by the publisher as being “...a spiritual manual for citizens of Hip Hop Kulture that combines classic philosophy with faith and practical knowledge, for a fascinating, in-depth exploration of Hip Hop as a life path.”

Very few artists could pull off such a publication and still demand to
be taken seriously. KRS-One, founder of the legendary Boogie Down Productions and the Stop the Violence Movement, manages to not seem overly hokey in his philosophical treatise on hip-hop culture. The book also seems to serve as an introduction to a series of other projects that KRS-One is taking very seriously, one of these being the launch of The Temple of Hip Hop. As the subtitle of the book
suggests, it's only the first instrument, suggesting follow-up
titles, possibly written by other hip-hop gurus. Time will tell if the ideas
presented take hold with the members of the culture to whom Lawrence
is preaching.

The 818-page hardcover edition can be ordered directly
from the publisher here.