Tiny Mix Tapes

Beck’s Odelay Reissue Comes with Incorrect Lyrics; More on This Uproarious Story Below!


We're living in a post-9/11 world. Anyhoo, Beck's Odelay was reissued this week as a 2CD set, with remixes, B-sides, and much more (TMT News). What we or any other media outlet failed to report, however, was that this "Deluxe Reissue" also came complete with a brand spankin' new, incorrect lyric sheet!

According to Beck's publicity company:

The first pressing of the recent Odelay Deluxe Reissue was found to have gone out with unproofed lyrics that were taken from a lyrics website as place holders for layout purposes.

Beck apologizes for this unfortunate oversight and is making
arrangements for the corrected lyrics to be available gratis via
Beck.com. Subsequent pressings of the Odelay Deluxe will also include the corrected lyrics.

Of course, Beck's way too cool to actually apologize himself on his webpage or on his MySpace. But wait -- is it even his fault? Was he doing the layout for the Odelay reissue? Was he supposed to give the final green light or something?

Either way, I like the new lyrics better. "GOT A DEVIL'S HAIRCUT! IN MY MINE!"