The Rap Game, Part 26 in a Continuing Series:
A Day in the Life of Master P
After years of toiling under a moniker, struggling to find the credibility incapable with just a title and a letter, Master P seeks something more, something deeper, something prestigious. We enter into the life of the Master in a scene of heartbreak...
A Fortune 500 company, a floor higher than level 25, a department where the men are separated from the boys. Percy Miller waits patiently; he may have found the opportunity for which he has craved for so long: an office, a staff not made up of family members, friends, hangers on, and the respect of the business world at large. All that stands before him is the interview.
“Mr. Johnson will see you now, Mr. Master.”
Master P enters the office, brimming with confidence, sure of his future.
“Hello, Mr. Johnson.”
“Hello, Mr. ... P?”
“We’ve had a chance to go over your resume, and let me just say that we are quite impressed. You truly seem to be a man with goals and the drive to reach them. What you lack in formal education and training, you more than make up for with your ability to create your own opportunities. You seem adept at tapping into trends and exploiting them. Overall, you seem to be a great candidate for the job.”
“Thank you, Mr. Johnson. As I always say: No future but what we make for ourselves.”
“An excellent philosophy. However, we do have one, quite large, ‘problem.’ We can’t hire you until you have a last name. Our organization refuses to refer to anybody by just a letter, and we can’t write checks to pseudonyms. I’m sorry.”
Sad from the defeat, Master P later that night addresses Lil Romeo and the No Limit Army; "I'm changing my name, because Master P is who I used to be. I call it my childhood, and P. Miller marks my manhood... People grow mentally and spiritually through life experiences."
And that is how Master P grew mentally and spiritually into P. Miller.