Tiny Mix Tapes

From Rags to Riches and Back Again: Raglani and Emeralds’ Gear Stolen at No Fun Fest


We've all heard horror stories of music gear getting stolen, because the stories are simply endless. Most don't get their gear back, but once in awhile stolen equipment will be discovered and returned to the artist. Hopefully this is another such case.

After playing at No Fun in New York last Friday, Raglani's van was broken into and all of his many synths were stolen. And not only did Raglani walk up to see another car loaded up with his and Steve Hauschildt's (Emeralds) equipment, but they almost got run over by the car while chasing after them! Due to the loss of their gear, Raglani, who was on tour with Steve Hauschildt, had to cancel the remaining dates.

Since most of their equipment was made up of shit you don't see every day, some equipment might be easily recognizable. So check out the list below, pass it around, and keep an eye out.

Also, a page has been set up so that people can donate money to help Raglani and Haushildt get new equipment. Of course, you could always buy their records too. Raglani saw his Kranky debut last September with Of Sirens Born (TMT Review) and Haushildt has many tapes and CD-Rs you can pick up from Arbor, Gneiss Things, etc.

Raglani's stolen gear:

Moog Voyager Old School white wash

Moog VX-351 Expander with cable

Moog Voyager Case ("Raglani" stenciled in black)

Sequential Circuits Pro One (J-Wire) with black plastic case

TWO Traynor KB-4 Keyboard amps ("Raglani" stenciled in white on bottom)

Pedal board case

Flower Electronics Little Blue Boy Deluxe custom build modular synth
with wood sides
3ms (4MS) Noise Swash Pedal, silver

Boss Super Shifter (blue pedal)


Sony walkmen

Behrenger 12-channel mixer (silver)

Moog Ring Modulator Moogerfooger pedal

Line 6 DL4 delay modeler

Shure microphone beta 51

DJ case with new headphones and tools, all my patch cords, including
several expensive adaptors and color cables

Mac Powerbook laptop computer

Garwin GPS

Steve Hauschildt's stolen gear:

Moog Micromoog with flight case

Moog Lowpass filter Moogerfooger pedal

Frostwave resonator filter pedal

Akai Headrush pedal

Boss Graphic EQ (white pedal)

E.H. Small Stone phaser pedal

Behrenger xenix mixer

Various cables and adaptors