Tiny Mix Tapes

Thom Yorke and Bon Iver to Contribute to Upcoming New Moon Film


If you're a little too young to be stoked by grunge's anticipated return, sharpen your abstinent teeth to this one: It has been confirmed that both Thom Yorke (Radiohead, On a Friday) and Bon Iver are releasing exclusive tracks for New Moon, the vampiric sequel in the Twilight series.

Chris Weitz, the director of the movie, seems to hold more stock in Yorke's contribution ("Unless it's sounds of him belching, I think I'll put it in.") than Bon Iver's ("He says he wrote it for the film, but who ever knows if it might just be something laying around in his cupboard.") Geez, Chris. We know where your heart lies.

Also on the soundtrack will be British band Band Of Skulls, which leads me to the inevitable question I know we've all asked: is there some sort of incredibly popular Indie Rock Band Name Generator out there on the web that, after you input, say, your birthday, spits out band names with words like crystal, deer, skull, horse, the, wolf, eagle, mice, black, and dead? Seriously.