Tiny Mix Tapes

Mom Rejects RIAA’s Settlement Offer, Goes to Third Trial with Middle Fingers In Air


As we previously reported, Jammie Thomas-Rasset was fined $54,000 on January 22 for illegally downloading 24 songs via Kazaa (yes, it was that long ago). The fine was delivered after Thomas-Rasset appealed the original verdict of $1.92 million, which Judge Michael Davis himself called “shocking.”

But it didn’t end there. The RIAA thought it was being even more reasonable when trying to settle with Thomas-Rasset by asking the file-sharing heroine to donate $25,000 to “an appropriate charity benefiting musicians” (and if they hear one more guffaw, they’ll sue your ass too!). However, the RIAA’s nemesis (and mother of four) has once again stuck her mighty middle finger up at the major labels by rejecting the settlement offer. This means the case will go to trial for a third time.

Joe Sibley, Robin to Thomas-Rasset’s Batman (otherwise known as her lawyer), said “Jammie is standing on principle here and will not accede to payment demands that the RIAA is making through an unconstitutional statutory scheme (that they lobbied for the creation of) and we will ride this train to its appellate end no matter how many future remittiturs are rejected.”