Tiny Mix Tapes

Todd P Announces MtyMx Fest in Mexico Featuring Dan Deacon, No Age, Neon Indian


Brooklyn promoter Todd P has made a name for himself by hosting all-ages shows in bizarre locales and concordant venues all around New York City. Seeing as I reside in Arizona, I’ve never been to a Todd P event, but his ability to host something exciting in an otherwise unassuming locale is exemplary of the DIY spirit. His latest venture, in a collaboration with Yo Garage, is an especially laudable gesture toward a woefully neglected arts community: the Mtymx Music and Arts Festival, taking place March 20-22 in Monterrey, Mexico.

The all-ages festival will take place at the Autocinema Las Torres, a drive-in movie theatre on the side of a mountain that regularly hosts concerts and raves. The festival will feature a total of 75 bands over three days, and the bands will play in succession without any overlapping sets. All for only $30. A third of the bands performing are from Mexico, including Siltbreeze punks Los Llamarada and synth-pop outfit Quiero Club. Confirmed bands also include Dan Deacon, No Age, Fucked Up, Neon Indian, Washed Out, Thee Oh Sees, Pocahaunted, Best Fwends, Indian Jewelry, Toro y Moi, Small Black, dd/mm/yyyy, Liturgy, Lemonade, Banjo or Freakout, and more.

Speaking to Brooklyn Vegan, Todd P assured the safety of attendees and voiced his effort to quash the stigma surrounding our neighbors to the south:

Monterrey has a lower violent crime rate than NYC, Dallas, or Houston, even accounting for international drug trade violence. A major goal of the festival is to dispel US misconceptions that Mexico is the 3rd world, uneducated, dangerous and backwards. Mexico is a modern country with a surging middle class and a vibrant, plugged in 1st world art and music community. Another major goal is to correct the disenfranchisement of Mexican artists and bands caused by strict US visa restrictions on Mexicans. In short: these bands and fans can’t go to SXSW.

The festival will prevent Todd P from hosting his usual SXSW showcase at Ms. Bea’s this year, but for this southwesterner, the respect paid to Mexican artists and fans is a truly worthwhile exchange.

• Todd P: http://toddpnyc.com
• Yo Garage: http://enelgarage.com