Tiny Mix Tapes

Vampire Weekend: Culturally Significant or Culturally Annoying?


Do you have an idea for a debate? Email us here.

In January, Vampire Weekend released their second album, Contra, and it debuted at #1 on the Billboard 200. Pitchfork branded it Best New Music, while Rolling Stone described the album as “brainy, confident and generally awesome.”

Yet, VW have some highly vocal detractors. In the Chicago Reader, Jessica Hopper describes Vampire Weekend as “stocked with cheap imports, a bit too sure of itself, and trying to bullshit its way out of trouble,” while The New York Times titled its recent VW feature “Dapper, Privileged and Unapologetic.”

What’s your take? Do they deserve the hype? Do they deserve the diatribes? Let’s hash this out so we can have a definitive answer to tell our friends and family.

[Note: Comments will be very lightly monitored. Nasty/evil comments may be deleted. Let’s get some good discussion going, folks!]