Tiny Mix Tapes

Los Campesinos! celebrate exclamation points by touring!


Since! Los Campesinos! are so! stoked on exclamation points that they! insist esteemed music journalists such as myself include one at the end! of their band name, I thought I would annoy them by putting! one after random! words in this news story that they will likely! not read. Los Campesinos! will be supporting their new album, Romance Is Boring (TMT Review), which is out! now on Arts & Crafts.

04.20.10 - Toronto, ON - Phoenix Concert Theatre
04.22.10 - New York, NY - The Fillmore (Irving Plaza)
04.24.10 - Boston, MA - Paradise Rock Club
04.27.10 - Washington, DC - 9:30 Club
04.30.10 - Chicago, IL - Cabaret Metro
05.04.10 - Seattle, WA - Showbox
05.07.10 - San Francisco, CA - The Regency Ballroom
05.08.10 - Los Angeles, CA - The El Rey Theatre

The band is currently touring Europe. Check out dates on their MySpace.

• Los Campesinos!: http://loscampesinos.com
• Arts & Crafts: http://arts-crafts.ca

[Photo: Jon Bergman]