Tiny Mix Tapes

“My name is El-P, I produce and I rap too. Okay, well, on this album, I just produce.” El-P announces all-instrumental LP


In a totally unsurprising move, El-P, well-respected producer and founder of Def Jux, has announced that he will releasing the third volume in the Weareallgoingtoburninhellmeggamixxx series. The previous two volumes were all previously only available on tour, but the new mixxx will be available in stores August 3 from Gold Dust.

El-P, no stranger to the creation of albums (his official follow-up to 2007’s I’ll Sleep When You’re Dead is also in the works), has said some admittedly mundane things about the process of creating the new album: “I wanted to do little mini-movements that had a real beginning, middle and end and then moved on.” Wow, a beginning a middle, AND an end? What experimentation!

What other developments have been introduced, El? “The challenge for me was taking all these seemingly unrelated little pieces of music I had laying around and fitting them together as a cohesive piece. I wanted to craft a record that had an arc.” Sounds like you really want to make what we call an “album.” That, or all the Yes you’ve been listening to has truly made on impact on the concepts for your records.

El-P has also stated that he really hopes anybody who listens to the album won’t “at any point get bored.” Isn’t that anybody’s hope when making an album? I mean, unless you’re a bunch of assholes.

Despite all the obvious observations about the creation and goals of the album, when has an El-P record been anything less than cool? Plus it has a Young Jeezy remix, and Jeezy rules.


01. Take You Out At The Ball Game
02. Whores:The Movie
03. Meanstreak (In 3 Parts)
04. DMSC
05. Drunk With A Loaded Pistol
06. Time Won’t Tell
07. Secret Police Man’s Ball
08. I Got This (El-P Remix) Redux
09. Jump Fence, Run, Live
10. He Hit Her So She Left
11. Driving Down The Block (El-P Remix) Redux
12. Honda Redux
13. How To Serve Man (Stripped)
14. Contagious Snippet (Wilder Zoby Feat. El-P)
15. Eat My Garbage 2

• El-P: http://www.el-p-weareallgoingtoburninhell.com
• Gold Dust: www.golddust-media.com