Tiny Mix Tapes

Handsome Furs head to Asia for tour, continue to grope each other while doing so


Justin Bieber may not be heading to North Korea, but Handsome Furs are at least visiting the neighborhood. Starting in August, the cutest (okay, irritatingly cute) Canadian couple since Win and Régine will be touring Asia to — well, we don’t know. There’s no news of a new album (the last one is still last year’s Face Control [TMT Review], their second on Sub Pop), but you can’t fault Dan Boeckner for doing some self-promotion in between his dates for Wolf Parade (see them here).


08.04.10 - Hong Kong, China - Grappa’s Cellar
08.06.10 - Shanghai, China - Yu Ying Tang
08.07.10 - Wuhan, China - Vox Bar
08.08.10 - Beiing, China - 2 Kolegas
08.12.10 - Daegu, South Korea - Club Guess *
08.13.10 - Busan, South Korea - Vinyl Underground *
08.14.10 - Seoul, South Korea - TBA *
08.19.10 - Bangkok, Thailand - Club Culture
08.20.10 - Chaing Mai, Thailand - Guitarman
08.22.10 - Singapore, Singapore - Baybeats Festival

* Teengirl Fantasy

• Handsome Furs: http://www.myspace.com/handsomefurs
• Sub Pop: http://www.subpop.com