Tiny Mix Tapes

S. Carey vows to keep the Northeast warm and cozy by touring with White Hinterland


Let’s get it out of the way right now: S. Carey drums for Bon Iver. Neat-o. With that done, let’s get down to business: S. Carey is heading out on a headlining tour with Portland’s White Hinterland in tow. Sean Carey (spoiler alert: the “S” stands for Sean) and his merry band will journey around the East Coast through December, spreading their cozy folk jams wherever they go. Scientists predict that this tour will be the third best way to keep warm this holiday season. The top two are fire and bourbon, respectively.

S. Carey with White Hinterland dates:

12.10.10 - Iowa City, IA - The Mill
12.13.10 - New York, NY - Highline Ballroom
12.14.10 - Washington, DC - Rock and Roll Hotel
12.15.10 - Philadelphia, PA - First Unitarian Chapel
12.16.10 - Boston, MA - Paramount Center Black Box
12.17.10 - Portland, ME - The Space
12.18.10 - Montreal QC - Casa del Popolo
12.19.10 - Toronto ON - Horseshoe Tavern
12.21.10 - Pontiac, MI - Pike Room

• S. Carey: http://www.scarey.org/tour
• White Hinterland: http://www.myspace.com/whitehinterland