Tiny Mix Tapes

White Lies tour North America in May — we promise


Like all monoliths of music journalism (we finally surpassed Pitchfork in readership this month — congrats everyone), we like to bring you objective, unbiased news without flourishes or frills (the reviews, obviously, are a different story). As soon as a record is pressed, we’ve got something to say about it. As soon as a tour begins, we spread the word like butter on toast. In light of our dedication to monitoring the physical location of major stars on the rise, we’d like to announce that the UK’s White Lies are coming to the US for just such an endeavor: the famed tour from one coast to another. Or are they?

Yes, maybe we’re just telling you that to make you feel better. Maybe we’re just telling you that to make them feel better, after a particularly scathing review from Pitchfork. Whether you believe us or not, it’s a reality that White Lies’ new single “Strangers” hit college radio on March 21. So check out these dates… the band will probably show up, because the Easter bunny exists for young children and one day the Angels will win the pennant.


05.17.11 - Boston, MA - Paradise Rock Club
05.19.11 - New York City, NY - Terminal 5
05.20.11 - Washington, DC - 9:30 Club
05.21.11 - Atlanta, GA - Variety Playhouse
05.24.11 - Austin, TX - Antone’s
05.25.11 - Houston, TX - Fitzgerald’s
05.26.11 - Mexico City, Mexico - Vive Cuervo Salon

• White Lies: http://promo.interscope.com/whitelies
• Fiction: http://www.fictionrecords.co.uk