Tiny Mix Tapes

Magnetic Fields documentary coming to Netflix… I mean, DVD?


For any deviants out there who’ve ever thought “gosh, it’s pretty hot that The Magnetic Fields constantly insult their audiences on tour and all, but if only Stephin Merritt would walk into my living room and be a huge dick to me in the comfort of my own home, that’d really be the ultimate turn-on,” your weirdo pop-masochist fantasy is about to come true.

As Pitchfork reports, Strange Powers: Stephin Merritt and The Magnetic Fields, the 2010 documentary about top-drawer songwriter/bottom-drawer people person Stephen Merritt and his TMT-appeasing band The Magnetic Fields that really lit up the box offices last fall is now coming to HD-DVD (remember those?) on May 23 directly though the film’s website.

Directed by Kerthy Fix and Gail O’Hara, the movie basically follows Merritt around as he insults everyone he meets in a sultry, husky, provocative baritone. It also comes with Special Features, including a most-assuredly grouse-y commentary track by Merritt and longtime manager/pianist Claudia Gonson and two Gonson-directed music videos for Magnetic Fields songs “Strange Powers” and “Born on a Train.” There are also a few deleted scenes, possibly including all the scenes where he was nice to people. Anyway, check out the trailer:

• Magnetic Fields: http://www.houseoftomorrow.com
Strange Powers: http://www.strangepowersfilm.com