Tiny Mix Tapes

Dylan Ettinger - “Squares” “Squares”


With a Moog Rogue, Korg Poly 61, and Funkhouser 1, Dylan Ettinger returns (as promised) with a cassette entitled Pattern Recursion. Take a listen to the first track and you’ll hear Ettinger in fact using looped recursive patterns — a pattern rule that defines, in this case, each successive note — to kick off the two side-long tracks. You won’t have to wait long, though, before he swiftly darts from the rule to form various square wave patterns, the excerpt above being a good example of one of the more melodic moments. The tape is out now on Moon Glyph, in an edition of 150.

• Dylan Ettinger: http://dylanettinger.bandcamp.com
• Moon Glyph: http://www.moonglyph.com