Tiny Mix Tapes

Jürgen Müller - “Sea Bed Meditation” “Sea Bed Meditation”


With the influx of modern synth wielders comes a look backwards at electronic pioneers from the 70s and 80s. Jürgen Müller is one such visionary getting the reissue treatment — his 1981 album Science of the Sea, which was originally limited to 100 copies, will be released on LP via Digitalis on the 16th. “Sea Bed Meditation” is a simple, gorgeous meditation on all things watery. Its intimacy recalls Hans-Joachim Roedelius’ minimal bedroom aesthetic as well as Raymond Scott’s early groundbreaking electronic tones.

• Jürgen Müller: http://digitalisrecordings.bandcamp.com/album/science-of-the-sea
• Digitalis: http://www.digitalisindustries.com/digi_ltd.html