The Coen Brothers (Joel and Ethan) have all but officially announced that they are working on a script for a music-based film inspired by the life of Dave Van Ronk. According to the L.A. Times, who spoke to an anonymous source, the Coens are using the autobiography The Mayor of MacDougal Street as the basis for a film on Van Ronk and his status as the undisputed heavyweight of the Greenwich Village folk scene in the 60s.
If you’re unfamiliar with Greenwich Village heavyweights, Van Ronk is most well-known for his involvement and leadership in the same folk-music scene that Bob Dylan was born out of, with Van Ronk giving Bobby D his first big gig. In addition to discovering Mr. Dylan, Van Ronk also had a hand in developing the talents of both Joni Mitchell and Phil Ochs, both artists eventually gaining fame as two of my mom’s Most Played Artists.
Finally, while the Coen’s have never been the type of filmmakers who do sequels, I’m hoping that whatever movie is developed from Van Ronk’s life will take its place as the necessary prequel that The Big Lebowski deserves.