Tiny Mix Tapes

Arrington de Dionyso puts out Songsmith-recorded album, claims it so abrasive that it will rip the skin from your bones


Arrington de Dionyso is many things. He’s a mammal — but if we start there, we’ll never get to the meat of this story. Let’s instead start with his music credentials. Arrington de Dionyso is a musician behind abrasive, howling projects like Old Time Relijun and Arrington de Dionyso’s Malaikat dan Singa, whose recent album Suara Naga is a TMT favorite. So with that long a history in the field of scraping songcraft, calling any record one of his “most unlistenable and abrasively grating” is quite the statement. But those are the exact words Mr. de Dionyso used to describe his new record Slow Dancin’ Under the Moon Tonight! Guh-asp!

Don’t take that guy’s word for it, though. Take it from his Bandcamp page, where you can hear the whole thing in full. If the level of abrasive sounds a bit different than the rest of the man’s discography, it’s because he’s had help from someone… or something. Remember that program Microsoft put out a few years back to write songs that match the singer’s voice? Well, that program is called Songsmith and de Dionyso used it for the creation of this record.

Slow Dancin’ will only be available through that aforementioned Bandcamp page. You can download it there for $5 in a variety of formats, including 320k Mp3 and FLAC. If you’re on the fence about whether this caustic buffet is worth your five bucks, know that all the money is being raised in service of funding Arrington de Dionyso’s Malaikat dan Singa tour of Indonesia. Hint, hint, Indonesian Arrington de Dionyso fans!

• Arrington de Dionyso: http://www.myspace.com/arringtondedionyso