In the distant past of the year 2000, a band named Grandaddy released The Sophtware Slump, which depicted the untimely fall of technology (“sophtware”?) and also the broken hearts that would occur. The reminiscent synth-looping sounds of this oldie band will be unearthed once again with a reissue of the album on August 22 through Universal/V2… overseas, that is.
The two-disc album, including B-sides, unreleased tracks, and demos, comes at a time when starving artists, such as Björk and Radiohead, must adapt to technological movements like mobile apps and digital releases in order to remain relevant. According to Pitchfork, Grandaddy has the balls to go even more old school with vinyl reissues of their first three albums — Under the Western Freeway, The Sophtware Slump, and Sumday — via The Control Group on July 19 in the US. What’s a vinyl?
Obviously, this band is stuck in the past and doesn’t care what the people want. Where’s the interactive 3D Blu-Ray? The Grandpa’s are even re-releasing old merchandise (corncob pipes, whizzer-jazzers, etc.) on their website. Perhaps our grandparents might appreciate this nostalgia, but us youngsters will stick to the Internet Super Highway, thanks!
• Grandaddy:
• The Control Group:
• Universal/V2: