Tiny Mix Tapes

A Winged Victory for the Sullen to provide tie-wearing music, tie-wearing live dates


When I listen to the music of beloved drone duo Stars of the Lid, I feel the need to put on a tie. My usual attire of cut-off shorts and “Big Dog” t-shirts just never seems appropriate for the beautiful, austere music of the Austin-originated group. At the very least, I need a tie and suit jacket. But Stars of the Lid haven’t put out a record since 2007’s And Their Refinement of the Decline (TMT Review) and, as such, my ties have gathered dust and my “Big Dog” shirts are getting ratty and faded. Please, someone deliver me the classy music I desire.

My wish has been granted, and with swiftness! While the estimated release date for a new Stars of the Lid record is still a string of question marks followed by a triangle (scientists are currently attempting to decode the triangle’s meaning), Stars member Adam Wiltzie has a new project with composer Dustin O’Halloran. This new drone-tastic duo possesses the rather lengthy moniker of A Winged Victory for the Sullen, and they have a self-titled record coming out through Kranky on September 12. I know, the question at hand: is it classy? Oh boy! It is classy. Listen to “Steep Hills of Vicodin Tears” at the duo’s website and prove me right.

While I love being able to put on my finest tie and jacket at home, something’s missing from the equation until I have a suitable occasion to head out in my fancy garb. Thank the heavens and the earth, such an occasion is soon to come, as A Winged Victory for the Sullen will be going on tour this fall. All those classy dates will be supported by similarly classy Kranky artists Benoît Pioulard and Ken Camden. Early word has it that Pioulard will be dressed to the nines, while Camden will be trying to pass off a tuxedo t-shirt as fancy. Come on, Camden.

A Winged Victory for the Sullen dates (all w/ Benoît Pioulard and Ken Camden):

10.29.11 - Phildelphia, PA - St. Mary’s Hamilton Village
10.30.11 - New York City, NY - West Park Presbyterian Church
10.31.11 - Montreal, QC - Casa del Popolo
11.01.11 - Toronto, ON - Drake Hotel
11.02.11 - Pittsburgh, PA - Warhol Museum
11.03.11 - Cincinnati, OH - Southgate House
11.05.11 - St. Louis, MO - Off Broadway
11.06.11 - Chicago, IL - Lincoln Hall
11.07.11 - Minneapolis, MN - Cedar Cultural Center
11.10.11 - Seattle, WA - The Triple Door
11.12.11 - Portland, OR - Holocene
11.14.11 - San Francisco, CA - The Independent
11.15.11 - Los Angeles, CA - The Satellite

• A Winged Victory for the Sullen: http://www.awvfts.com
• Kranky: http://www.kranky.net
• Benoît Pioulard: http://pioulard.com
• Ken Camden: http://www.myspace.com/kencamden