Tiny Mix Tapes

Wilco streaming The Whole Love tomorrow for 24 hours, arresting anyone who listens


Remember a few hours ago, when we told you about Wilco (the band) adding a second leg to their tour? And you spat on the ground because they still aren’t coming anywhere near your town? And then you got over it and blasted through a bunch of “world’s dumbest game show contestant” clips on YouTube? And you thought about opening a window because the air was so stale in your office? And then you just kinda zoned out for a while and started clicking sites you’d already visited 10 times?

Well, firstly, welcome back. Secondly, allow me to reward your unique mixture of attention/gratification mental ailments with some MORE Wilco news that’s much MORE exciting for a shut-in like yourself. Jeff Tweedy and his pals have decided to stream upcoming album The Whole Love on their website for 24 hours, starting tomorrow at the moment the sun is most effectively shining over Tweedy’s beloved Chicago parking garages (12 PM CST). An anonymous tip informs us that first single “I Might” will be part of the album stream, along with 11 other tracks. Come, let Wilco’s new album be the knife that plunges into your heart.

• Wilco: http://wilcoworld.net