Tiny Mix Tapes

Robedoor - “Afterburners” “Afterburners”


One of of L.A.’s strongest noise staples, Robedoor, have just produced another out-of-this-world record entitled Too Down To Die. Working with Not Not Fun (who under the influence of Robedoor’s own Britt Brown are really pumping out loads of fresh goodness these days), the trio is continuing on the road to more rock-oriented psychedelia, with throbbing drums and floating guitars gradually catching up to their signature synth-powered drones. More than ever, Robedoor seem to be operating with a song form in mind, and the new recording features more vocals to prove it. Side A contains a single 22:30 minute track called “Parallel Wanderer.” It is clearly the masterpiece of the album, traversing through endless electric sludge into a slow-burning stoner-rock chant and ending with rather lighthearted guitar riffs that seem to float on for hours, until a stark reality-checking finish. The album ends with the track featured above, “Afterburners” (possibly a nod to their previous full-length album, Burners?), which keeps Robedoor’s dark and downer mantra front and center while exploring a rock ‘n’ roll style hinting at a nostalgic late-60s scuzz and mumble.

Too Down To Die is available now through Not Not Fun.

• Not Not Fun: http://notnotfun.com