I will take any opportunity to discuss the brilliant, supple music of both Murfreesboro’s Sparkling Wide Pressure and upstate NY’s Rambutan. On this forthcoming split cassette from Eric Hardiman’s label Tape Drift, SWP continues his exploration of nostalgia-tinged guitar, encasing his evocative melodies in a bed of soft electrorganic textures, somehow always managing to flick all the right switches. And Rambutan soaks our heads in bubbling loops that are simultaneously deep and ephemeral, engulfing you and then evaporating into the air. The tapes are out in a batch this very day.
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Sparkling Wide Pressure “Tender Veil-Angelic Sweatsuit” excerpt by No Kings
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Rambutan “Twist of the Mind” by No Kings
• Sparkling Wide Pressure: http://sparklingwidepressure.bandcamp.com
• Rambutan: http://rambutan.bandcamp.com
• Tape Drift: http://tapedrift.com