Tiny Mix Tapes

Sun Araw - Ancient Romans [full album] Ancient Romans [full album]


Like, Sun Araw gets his. Actually, Tiny Mix Tapes is what convinced me that Stallones makes it work. And he Maybach Music an all, but okay, maybe — like, maybe if you got a driver. Because it’s getting dark out earlier, as presented while an Ancient Romans LP is played in Amir’s Garden.

*Distraction* I keep my shit together pretty well (also, maybe), but when it’s dark out and all I see are headlights: everyone is a cop. It’s not just “Inpluvium” that induces super paranoia; a lot of his stuff generally grills ya good. Even that new High Wolf colab make me moist (uh, I mean sweat).

But there ain’t no cops jumping outta them bushes. I know y’all get it already. Song is to the music video as are novels to adapted movies. Just play the jam and minimize the video. Enjoy it without your boss thinking you cray for watching it entirely. It does make me think of night gardening and, like, planting seeds during moonlight and that awakening feeling to flowers in the morning #visualguilt. Straight up, let’s leave these “zones” and “vibes” behind us. Ancient Romans is fly and right here to start out your work week right thanks to Dublab. Ya dig?

• Dublab: http://dublab.com
• Sun Araw: http://sunaraw.com