The Dayvan Zombear blog has become an indispensable resource, opening our eyes and ears to pretty much any release with the merest whiff of nostalgia. More recently, and much to my own excitement, they’ve also started their own cassette label, DZ Tapes. Thus far, we’ve had a wondrous compilation, a testament to the relentless internet trawling these guys presumably do, and an album of extremely crunchy Russian garage rock. Next on the DZ bandwagon are Ghostandthesong and Chris Rehm with this joint release, due for release on the 11th of November.
As you’ll hear, Ghostandthesong are maintaining the good ol’ spirit of the amorphous, guitar-based jam. They keep things tight and concise, occasionally tossing in bird song (Urban Jungle), which wholeheartedly receives my respect.
Chris Rehm is based more in the drone department, but we find snippets of his beguiling vocal chords on tracks like the excellently named Free William Cosby. Check it:
[Visit full site to view media]Part V by CHRIS REHM
In tribute to Dayvan, I leave you with the words of their founder, Brett, who is undisputably concise and to the point: “[Don’t] be an asshole, it’s all about the music, bro.”
Dayvan Zombear:
DZ Tapes: