While Common’s upcoming The Dreamer, The Believer has been pushed back from its original November 22 date, it’s not like the multitalented workhorse hasn’t stayed busy. He stopped through West Michigan’s 1045 SNX to promote the Confederate flag waving AMC drama Hell on Wheels on Monday. As a freed slave, Common’s character no doubt must function as both a dreamer and a believer in order to readjust to life as a free man. What a handy tie-in, that is!
You can watch the trailer for the original series, which premieres on Sunday, if you’re here for the television news, but what’s really G.O.O.D. is Common also took the time to let us all in on the new release date for his next full-length. December 20 is the new date, and so long as he doesn’t get run out of town by Confederates we’re thinking this will stick. It should be noted that the album art of his first single, “Blue Sky,” is very Causers of This-era Toro Y Moi. So big ups for such a nice touch; some might call it Common sense.
Oh, and if you don’t believe us, go here to listen to the clips from Common’s radio appearance, in which he also confirms his Nas collabo and a spring 2012 release for the Yeezy-owned G.O.O.D. label’s album-length effort. Maybach Music, look out.
• Common: http://www.thinkcommon.com
• G.O.O.D. Music: http://www.goodmusic-blog.com