Tiny Mix Tapes

The Walkmen put even more distance between themselves and The Beatles by recording new album, planning retrospective shows, reissuing some vinyl, being a band still


Joke set-up: So, five Walkmen walk into a recording studio…

Joke punchline: There, they meet producer Phil Ek (of Fleet Foxes, Shins, and Built to Spill fame) to begin work on the follow-up to 2010’s extremely well-tolerated Lisbon, slated for a summer 2012 release via Fat Possum/Bella Union! (Ha! Get it? “The Shins”? “SLATED”?? “BELLA UNION”??? Ugh, well, if you can’t see what’s funny about it, then you obviously haven’t spent enough money on Insound trading cards.)

Anyway, speaking of 2012, let’s talk about 2012. 2012 marks the 10-year anniversary of The Walkmen’s first album, Everyone Who Pretended to Like Me is Gone. And to celebrate their beating The Beatles paltry eight-year run to a bloody pulp with their decade of relatively breakup-free activity, The Walkmen are going to do something that The Fab Four only wish they’d thought of back in the day: release something on vinyl and hardly play any shows! To that end, three “Evening with The Walkmen” shows have been scheduled in Chicago and San Francisco. I predict that these shows will find the band revisiting their entire catalog, wearing blazers, and being variously really tall and kinda short. Tickets for San Fran go on sale November 11 and tickets for Chicago go on sale November 12.

In addition, like I kind of alluded to earlier, Everyone Who Pretended to Like Me Is Gone (which is 10 years old next year, remember) is being released on vinyl for the first time next year. Although, I’ve been told by my sources at Apple Corp. that this is probably just a complete coincidence. But whether it is or isn’t, the album, which has been lauded by some publications as “a thing that happened,” will be available exclusively from the band’s website and at those three, count ‘em, three shows that I mentioned before. Should I mention them again? I’ll mention them again.

01.14.11 - Chicago, IL - The Metro (Tomorrow Never Knows Fest)
01.20.11 - San Francisco, CA - The Independent
01.21.11 - San Francisco, CA - The Independent

• The Walkmen: http://www.thewalkmen.com
• Fat Possum: http://www.fatpossum.com
• Bella Union: http://bellaunion.com