Apologies are in order: Scroll’s self-titled debut cassette is already sold out, so we’re getting word to you, faithful & forgiving readers, altogether too late. But nevertheless, listen to Scroll. The album cover features woods. So does the affect of the album within. It’s just how black metal should sound, which is to say with effective moody drawl and shroud, and without histrionic lyrics or brain-bashing punishment. The sound is well-layered and balanced, even when the pummeling drums kick in. “Algol,” Scroll’s opener, featured here, wastes no time in letting the noise go to work, with background roar and a palette of scrapes and squeals. Scroll knows what he wants to do, and does it well. (Thanks to omgvinyl.com for pointing us in the right direction.)
[Visit full site to view media]Scroll by Scroll
• Scroll: http://scroll.bandcamp.com/album/scroll