Tiny Mix Tapes

Tigerbitch - “Canatuna” “Canatuna”


Glad tracks like “Canatuna” remain a click or reel away, and far from “popularly.” It just seems bloodier that way @raw/rare[period] And speaking of popular, Tigerbitch’s first release is on our man Pete Berends’ mysterious new label Brunch Groupe. IMO, Tigerbitch is a lick away from the juice. Peter’s thoughts, “It’s the first release from my friend Grant who sorta set the bar for [peeps recording] music on their own.” Also, heard Grant made Self Titled in a condemned church basement pirate studio. The drumming is all peg-leg because he fell while restoring the church roof. Tigerbitch and two other cassettes are being birthed Friday. Whoa, and a slew of new Brunch Groupe cassettes early 2012 too? —R.I.P. C Monster

• Brunch Groupe: http://www.brunchgroupe.com