Tiny Mix Tapes

Weasel Walter and Bhob Rainey - At the Mudlark Public Theatre At the Mudlark Public Theatre


Bhob Rainey, quiet minimalist abstract improvisational saxophonist (who recently released his Manual, which you can find here), collaborated with noisy punk-jazz legend Weasel Walter at the Mudlark Public Theatre. Stranger things have happened! The sharp audible contrast you may be imagining is far from the result of the duo’s improv session, however, so calm the hell down. The music is simultaneously sparse and hyperactively tense, both loose and taught, but overall fantastic. The successful dynamic was captured to tape, and since Rainey was full of Christmas cheer last month, he posted it on the webz for all you kiddies.

• Bhob Rainey: http://bhobrainey.net