Tiny Mix Tapes

Grouper collaborates with The Bug, the mysterious disease inflicting the characters of Charles Burns’s graphic novel Black Hole, but, no, she’s actually collaborating with the dubby dance producer


Have you read Charles Burns’s comic book series Black Hole, collected in graphic novel form in 2005? You should, it’s good. Consider that a recommendation from this guy. Speaking of recommendations and obvious segways, Tiny Mix Tapes gave a vigorous recommendation to the music of Grouper (otherwise known as Liz Harris), whose album A I A (TMT Review) made it all the way to #6 on our recent year-end list. If you heeded our words of wisdom, you know that Harris’s music tends to skew toward ghostly, if not damn near almost silent. Hence why it’s kind of weird that Pitchfork reports that she’s working with London dance producer The Bug, whose 2008 album London Zoo (TMT Review) skewed as far away from silence as possible. By the way, “The Bug” was the name of the disease in Burns’s Black Hole and now everything has come full circle sothereyougo.

Details on the collaboration are sparse. I mean, really sparse. In fact, Pitchfork’s story comes from FACT noticing the following tweet from The Bug (who human beings in real life call Kevin Martin): “Spent the last two weeks writing sketches/demos for forthcoming collaboration between me and Grouper for the upcoming Ninja Tune Bug album.” And so ends all known information on the Grouper/The Bug collaboration.

It is worth noting that FACT has updated their story to mention that Martin also revealed through Twitter that he’s working with Jesu’s Justin Broadrick. Really, that could have been its own story, but, frankly, we don’t like you Justin Broadrick. Just playing, we like you fine! We just like Grouper a lot.

• Grouper: https://sites.google.com/site/yellowelectric/Grouper
• The Bug: http://www.myspace.com/thebuguk