Oh, hey! How’s the weather up there? Ooh, 10 degrees? Fahrenheit? Oh, you can’t go outside? Ouch… yeah, I went to the beach today. Yeah, I’m wearing shorts. And listening to FWY!. And everything is just totally gnar gnar right now, brah.
At some point in the future, Moon Glyph will release a new cassette from Edmund Xavier (of Horrid Red) as FWY!. On Xavier’s Burundi Cloud site (which releases all Horrid Red and all associated acts’ stuff digitally), it states that the new record, named after lovely Orange County beach town San Clemente, will be released February 12, 2024, but let’s hope it happens a little sooner. Until then, you can listen to it or buy it digitally from Burundi Cloud.
The record is jammin’ hard with delicate driving beats and floating guitars chugging along PCH as visions of asphalt, palm trees, rollerbladers, and skyscrapers roll by. Tagged as “California Autobahn” on the site, the song is fucking perfect for cruising in your 1984 Volvo to the beach in January… represent!
[Visit full site to view media]SAN CLEMENTE by FWY!
• FWY!: http://fwymusic.bandcamp.com
• Moon Glyph: http://moonglyph.com/future