Tiny Mix Tapes

Editions Mego starts Recollection GRM sub-label to reissue classic musique concrète, not realizing that musique concrète can be heard for free in the subway


Welp, seems like Editions Mego’s merciless march toward cornering the market on re-releasing and/or newly releasing “every cool thing ever released anywhere by anyone” just cannot be stopped. Seriously, at this point if they aren’t putting your record out, just forget about it; it’s Dad Rock. And god knows no one wants to listen to that. Not even dads.

But speaking of dads, Editions Mego’s latest bout of cred-mad imperialism has led to the creation of Recollection GRM, a new sub-label whose sole purpose is “is to make available on vinyl works from the vast archives of Groupe de Recherches Musicales (GRM),” the first release of which comes to us from the “father” of musique concrète (and possibly of Dave Letterman’s sidekick Paul Shaffer), Pierre Schaeffer! In addition to being handsome and French, Schaeffer (as I understand it) helped pioneer the highly exact science of making bumping, clubby jams out of steam engine samples. In other words, the Oneohtrix Point Never dude probably likes him a lot, so you’re fucking nobody if you don’t too. The second record Recollection GRM has announced so far is by Guy Reibel, who, for all intents and purposes is the same guy as Pierre Schaeffer, except with a much much shorter Wikipedia page.

Anyway, the label says that batches like this will come out every two or three months, and each release will be “recut at Dubplates & Mastering and be packaged in new artwork by Stephen O’Malley, featuring bi-lingual (French/English) texts.” Which is good, because weirdly enough, I’m pretty good at reading French, but only when its exact translation into English is sitting right next to it.

• Editions Mego: http://editionsmego.com
• Pierre Schaeffer pre-order: http://editionsmego.com/release/REGRM+001
• Other Guy pre-order: http://editionsmego.com/release/REGRM+002